"Once your consciousness has been raised, it cannot be lowered"

My parenting journey, our home educating family and some other stuff here and there....

Friday, 15 May 2009

The Age of Stupid.....gory story

Well, after writing about getting wiser I have done something pretty silly. 
My pictures are a bit graphic so look away now if you're squeamish!!

I was trying on my posh frocks last night whilst the kids were getting ready for bed. I need an outfit for a family wedding at the end of June, and was feeling pleased that a dress I already own looked and felt really good. So, I was merrily whistling away and putting my pink high heels back in the top of the wardrobe away from the small people when disaster struck. 

I was VERY, VERY foolishly standing on one of these. Hmmmm. See how sharp the feet look??!
Next thing I know the stool tips up, I fall and have an almighty pain in my right shin. I dive to the bed and howl and scream into the mattress. The bone throbbing, I think "that was a big bump, I'll get a cold flannel on it". Hop to the bathroom and flop onto the floor, lift pyjama bottoms to put cold compress on and nearly faint. There is a hole in my leg. 

I wasn't expecting that. Slight panic ensues. I feebly protest "it'll be fine". Joel says "nope. It's a hospital job. I think I can see bone". Great. I cry. A lot. I am VERY cross at myself. We still need to get the kids to bed. Anticipate hospital taking a few hours at the very least. My first night out since M was born!

A&E receptionist is lovely, I give my details calmly until she asks what I've done. Mentioning bone makes the tears roll down my cheeks in a most un-British fashion. No stiff upper lip here. Am quickly ushered through to minor injuries where a nice nurse rummages round in my leg  and assures me, very matter-of-fact, that it will be fine. At this point I dread being sent back to the waiting room. Thankfully she puts me on a bed to sort it out immediately. She numbs what little flesh is there and ferrets around again, to clean it out and see how deep it is. 

I feel huge surges of guilt for even thinking "OWWW". I've been reading Atonement and can't help my head being full WW2 and all the poor damaged people having shrapnel pulled out without a scrap of local anaesthetic (and after the horrors of France/Dunkirk). I told the nurse all this, she softened and said "it's a bit more than a razor nick though isn't it hon?". She informed me Joel was right and it was indeed right down to the bone. Then she oh so carefully, tenderly stitched me up, with my posh frock hemline in mind. Bless the NHS angels. Thank you so much Sister Julie.  

So seven stitches and about an hour later I was home. Unbelieveably quick service from the Manchester Royal Infirmary!! And a jolly good job since poor M woke 10 minutes after I left and was still screaming when I returned ;(

I'm not as sore as I thought I might be, at the moment. I anticipate it getting worse before better, it's still only just over 24 hrs since it happened. I know taking copious quantities of arnica has helped so far. Though I am stiff and swollen, and it's been aching a fair bit, I can walk and take the stairs slowly. I'm grateful: my tendons are intact, I didn't break a bone. 

After much berating I've mostly forgiven myself, but what a stupid thing to do!....

And, bizarrely, this happened to me 2 days after I was with my friend L when she fell and needed 1o stitches in her knee....get well soon L XXX 



Rachel said...

That's gruesome. I think you were very brave. I'd have been hysterical. Wishing you speedy healing.xx

Sue-Ann said...

Oh my word! So dramatic! So graphic! So gruesome! And all mixed up with Atonement and your friend's 'down to the bone' story from earlier in the week. Z is going to be totally intrigued by your story.

But more to the point - LOTS of rest and TLC needed for you! Trust J is up for all of that!

Annie said...

Hey go easy on yourself! Gawd, I almost threw up each time I scrolled fast over your pictures! I'm a bit squeamish.

I have to tell you, I was reading your post having already seen the pictures quickly while I was catching up on replying and I actually laughed when I clicked on what you stood on. That would be something I'd do. You crazy woman!

I can't get over how painful that must have been. I hope it's feeling a lot better by now!

ps. I just re read Atonement a few weeks ago.
pps. Dh came in to look at what I was reading after hearing my laugh/groans/retching/misc uncomfortable noises and said you shouldn't have felt like you didn't "suck it up" enough. That's a tough wound!

Jeanette said...

Oh ouchy ouchy, that looks horrible!!
Wishing you speeding healing and sending you lots of love.

Fiona said...

ouch ouch ouch! Speedy recovery to you xxxx